Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Blog commenting Search Query Tricks

SEO trends 2016 still requires backlinks that are relevant to your niche.

your-keyword "Allowed HTML tags:"

your-keyword site:.edu inurl:blog "post a comment" -"you must be logged in"

your-keyword site:.gov inurl:blog "post a comment" -"you must be logged in"

your-keyword "angelae8654"

your-keyword "This blog uses premium CommentLuv" -"The version of CommentLuv on this site is no longer supported."

your-keyword "Notify me of follow-up comments?" "Submit the word you see below:"

your-keyword "powered by expressionengine"

your-keyword site:hubpages.com "hot hubs"

your-keyword "Enter YourName@YourKeywords"

your-keyword "get livefyre" "comment help" -"Comments have been disabled for this post"

your-keyword "add to this list" site:squidoo.com

inurl: blog”guest house” comment query

site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + keyword

site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + commentluv enabled

“Add comment” Your Keywords

“Post comment” Your Keywords

“Write comment” Your Keywords

Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”

Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”

Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”

Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”

Your Keywords “You can use these tags”

Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”

Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”

Your Keywords “top commenter”

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogger”

“Keyword” “Powered By WordPress”

“Keyword” “Powered By Typepad”

“Keyword” “Powered By Drupal”

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogengine”

“Keyword” “Powered By Movabletype

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Field Searching

Field Searching:

Google offers several field searches connected with entering URLs. In the December 2000 revision of its advanced search form, it add several title and URL field searches.
Note that some field searching cannot be combined with other query words. In others words, a search entered such as uniqueword link:name.com will only be processed as if only the field search was present as in link:name.com. The uniqueword is ignored. The  intitle: and inurl: fields can be combined with other search terms but allintitle: and allinurl: cannot. 
intitle:Finds pages that have the term(s) in the HTML title element. Can be combined with other search terms. intitle:search engines. This should find 'search' in the title and 'engines' anywhere in the page.
inurl:Finds pages that have the term(s) somewhere in the URL (host name, path, or filename). Can be combined with other search terms. inurl:searchenginewatch.
allintitle:Finds pages that have the term(s) in the HTML title element. allintitle:search engines.
link:Finds pages which contain hypertext links to the exact specified URL. link:searchengineshowdown.com/search finds pages with links to this site. Unfortunately, on Google, link: searches are incomplete and do not retrieve all pages that Google has indexes that link to the specified URL
allinurl:Finds pages that have the term(s) somewhere in the URL (host name, path, or filename). allinurl:searchenginewatch.
site:Finds pages from the designated Web site. Path and file names can be included. site:notess.com/write
allinanchor:Finds pages that have the term(s) somewhere in the links to the page. .
related:Invokes GoogleScout to find other pages similar in linkage patterns to the given URL and at a similar hierarchical level. The URL must be exact. In other works related:notess.com and related:www.notess.com find different results.
numrange:Finds a range of numbers. Either 5..11 or numrange:5-11 works. See number searching section below.
pricerange:Finds a range of numbers prefixed by the $ sign. Either $5..11 or pricerange:5-11 works. See number searching section below.
flink:Used to find pages linked from the given URL. No longer working as of Oct. 30, 1999. flink:notess.com