Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Top 20 Adwords (PPC) Interview Questions

1) Explain what is Adwords?
Adwords is the system that Google has designed to assist in marketing product or services in Google search engine and its affiliated sites.  It will place a text ad that appears when people search for phrases associated to your offering.
2) Explain how Adwords work?
Adwords work on bidding system if the bidding price is higher your ad will appear on top of the Google page.  Adwords works on “pay per click” that means you only pay the amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad as a result of a web search.
3) Explain why to use Google Adwords?
Google Adwords behave differently to traffic that comes from Google Adwords or “Pay Per Click”. The traffic that comes through surfing often visits the website for information, whereas the traffic via pay per click knows what they are clicking on and what they want to buy.  So few visitors through Adwords might be more valuable than million visitors.
4) Explain what is Ad rank?
Ad rank determines your ad position on Google page, and it is determined by your bid for that keyword and quality score.
5) Explain how does Ad rank impact Cost-Per-Click?
Ad rank plays a huge role in defining the actual cost-per-click that your opponents pay, when someone clicks on their ads.  Your CPC can be calculated by following way
Your Price = The ad rank of the person below you/ your quality score + $0.01
6) Explain how does a Google auction work?
Each month auction gets run billion of times, and the result are such that users find ads that are relevant to what they are looking for.  The search engine processes the request and runs the auction that determines the ad positions and each advertisers CPC.
7) Explain what gets entered into a Google Account?
Once the advertisers determine the keywords that they want to bid on, Google will enter a keyword from your account which is most related into the auction with the maximum bid specified as well as the associated ad.
8) Explain what is Google Quality Score?
Google’s quality score determines how beneficial and relevant your ad is to the user, based primarily on your ad’s CTR, quality of your landing page and keyword relevance.  Higher quality score keywords will save your money and earn better ad ranking.
9) Explain what is an ad group in Google Adwords?
Ad group is a container of your keywords, advertisements, and landing pages.  Google rewards advertisers who prepare Adword campaigns with tightly structured ad groups. Its not advisable to include all your keywords into the single ad group, but to organize keywords into themes.
10) Explain what is conversion optimizer in Adwords?
Conversion Optimizer is a tool used by Google Adwords for bid manipulation and decides which clicks on the ad will be valuable.  It can help you to return maximum on your investment.

11) Mention some of the Google Adword Ad Extensions?
Different ad extension can enhance the increase in traffic.  Some of the common Ad extensions used in adwords are
  • Sitelinks
  • Call Extensions
  • Location Extensions
  • Social Annotations
  • Seller ratings
  • Mobile app extensions
  • Offer ads
  • Communication Ad
  • Review extension
  • Image and drop down navigation Ad extension
12) Mention in google Adwords that options can’t be changed after creating an account?
After creating account Currency and Time Zone, cannot be changed.
13) Explain how you can improve conversion rates?
By creating ads that match properly with keywords and create tightly themed ad groups, you can target users to the campaign that helps in conversions.
14) Mention what is the limit set for the number or characters for Adwords ad?
Limit for Adword is
  • Description line 1st : 25 characters
  • Description line 2nd: 35 characters
  • Destination URL: 1024 characters
No images are allowed in URL.
15) Explain what is the meaning of CTR and how you can calculate?
CTR stands for Click through rate that tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The formula for calculating CTR is
Number of click / Number of impressions X 100
These will give you an answer in percentage like what percentage of customers have viewed your ad.
16) Mention what are the type of Keywords?
There are no specific types for Keywords however they are classified on the basis of how likely is going to be clicked by visitors
  • Research Keywords: It tends to contain one or two words – Tea
  • Consideration: It tends to contain two or three words – Green Tea
  • Purchase: It must have more than three words – buy loose green tea
  • Loyalty: This must be shorter- Starbucks
17) Explain what is Google Ad API?
Google Ad API is designed for representing large, tech savvy advertisers and third parties. It allows developers build an application that directly interacts with Google Adwords server.
18) Mention what all things can be done using Google Ad API?
With Google Ad API, you can build an application that can do following things
  • You can automatically generate keywords, ad text, custom reports and landing pages
  • Develop additional applications and tools to help you manage accounts
  • Synchronize Adwords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock
19) Explain how you can track conversions in Google Adwords?
In Google Adwords, conversion tracking can be done in following ways
  • Tracking purchases by involving basic tracking code provided by Adwords and modifying it with additional code unique to your particular e-commerce platform
  • View-through conversion window options tracks when a person sees your ad but does not click it (impression)
  • By enabling your ad rotation setting to optimize for clicks, meaning that Adwords will serve the ads it feels are likely to be clicked
  • By accessing search funnels inside tools and analysis, you can also know when customers clicked on your ad for the first time and how frequently they saw your ad before converting.
20) Explain what are the other two options for bidding other than C-P-C?
Other than CPC the other two options are CPM (Cost per Thousand Impression) and CPA ( Cost Per Action ).

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

interview Questions


1.What is Digital Marketing ?
A: Digital Marketing is nothing but promotion of products or brands through different forms of electronic media. The key objective of the digital marketing is to promote brands,build preferences and increase sales through various digital marketing techniques. In addition to mobile TV and radio, Digital Marketing mainly uses internet as its core promotional medium.

2.Why to choose Digital Marketing as career ?
A : Digital marketing is an exciting, fast-moving and creative sector. Now-a-days, Internet is everywhere and most of us are shopping on it. weather we use laptop or mobile or tablet, we try to browse and shop. Companies are modifying their marketing strategies to optimize their online presence and reach their customers. Many companies are building websites, advertising on social media, sending personalized email offers as well as promoting a lot of content.Overall, digital marketing is a job where every day is different. The industry is changing all the time, meaning you will constantly be learning.

3.What is SEO ?
A:  SEO - Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or web page in search engines unpaid results, often referred as 'Natural' 'Organic' or 'Earned Results'.
                      In general, the earlier and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from search engines users.
                      SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search,local search,video search,academic search,news search and industry specific vertical search engines.
                      As an internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.
                      Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.Promoting a site to increase the number of  backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.
4.How is SEO in future ?
A:  SEO is the force behind a company's online sucess. Internet marketing is now a billon dollar industry and everyone is slowly bu surely accepting this. Even top companies in India and the other parts of the world are now keeping huge budgets for internet marketing.

5.What is Google Adwords ? 
A: Google AdWords is an online advertising service that enables advertisers to compete to display brief advertising copy to web users, based in part on keywords, predefined by the advertisers, that might link the copy to the content of web pages shown to users. Web pages from Google and from partner websites are designed to allow Google to select and display this advertising copy. Advertisers pay when users divert their browsing to seek more information about the copy displayed, and partner websites receive a portion of the income they generate. 
6.What is Adsence?
A: Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis.

7.How to earn in Adsence ?
A: Google’s AdSense is a revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites that places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page, or clicked on. We'll show you some good ideas that added to your own, will help increase your AdSense revenue.

8.What is Google Analytics ?
A:This free tool provides full website traffic statistics including total visits, average time on site, and bounce rate. In addition, Google Analytics shows you a website’s audience and demographic. When you want to know how people are finding your site and how they are engaging with it, Google Analytics can tell you.
Google Analytics also integrates with a variety of products including Adsense, Google+ and AdWords. If you are using select Google products, then you can integrate your campaigns within Google Analytics for tracking and reporting purposes. 

9.What is Google Web Maser Tool?
A:  Google Webmaster Tools provides information that can help you improve your site’s visibility in search. You can see how many impressions your site is generating in search engines, by keyword or by page. You can also monitor click-through rates from search engine results pages to your site. You may also want to upload an xml sitemap to help Google crawl your site, or check for crawl errors. Perhaps most importantly, having a verified Google Webmaster Tools account allows Google to tell you about technical problems with your site, such as an increase in 404 (not found) errors.
10.What is the difference between Google Analytics and Webmaster tools ?
A: Difference between Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools is this: Webmaster Tools reports on how search engines interact with your site, while Google Analytics reports on how website users interact with your site. Whether you are personally managing your brand’s digital presence or working with a third-party, both Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools provide valuable and actionable information. And also  they both are free.

11.What is the difference between Onpage Optimization and Off Page Optimization?
A: On-page SEO focuses on the on-page elements. That is :
  • Unique title tags
  • H1s/headlines
  • Copywriting
  • Adding descriptions to images
  • Crawlable links
  • Internal navigation
And off-page SEO, focuses on things beyond your website, such as:
  • Press releases
  • Link building
  • Advertising
  • Social media
12.What is Back Links?
A:  A back link is a link on another persons site going to your site or vice versa.
There is one way back links and 2 way back links and even triangular links (not recommended).
It can be any link going from one page or to another website. Usually a back link is referred as the link on a "back" page, thus back link.
                         Backlinks, also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links, are incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node.
13.What is the use of Back Links?
A: Search engines often use the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the most important factors for determining that website's search engine ranking, popularity and importance.

14.What is directory submission?
A:  Directory submission means submitting your website link along with other details in web directory at specified category. Doing this improves your link popularity. Directory submission sites are available for free as well as for paid.Web Directory Submission is the easiest way for a new website to establish back-links for SEO purposes. 

There are basically three types of Directories Submissions

1. Paid or Featured Web Listing: – In this type of Directories Submission the owner of Directories Site Will Charge for Submission of the link and your link will be approved right away or within 24 hours.We get fast back links from this type of submission. Some sites offer this package for yearly or lifetime.

2. Free or Regular Web Listing: – This is free. No one charges in regular submission but there is no guarantee for getting your link approved by the administrator and it will take lot of time.

3. Reciprocal Regular Web Listing: – In this a reciprocal link will be submited to your site and when you activate that Directory Link then only that Directory administrator will approve your link.

15.What is Web Directory?
A: Web directory is same like phone directory that contains list of websites on each category. There are thousands of "Web Directories" online, most of which are not worth submitting your site to. There are only few hundred directories that will be useful for Search Engine Optimization, and again in that only few will be useful for their intended purpose, which is to assist users in finding resources online.
                         Some better directories will send you visitors directly from their listings. These visitors will be targeted visitors, in that someone who is browsing Web Directory topics related to that of your website will be ones who are likely to engage with your site, whether that means purchasing a product or otherwise making contact. 

16.What is the use of Directory Submission?
A: Directory Submission is a part of Off Page Optimization in (SEO). It is one of the most preferred search engine optimization methods.
                       One main advantage of Directory Submission is that most directory submissions are free, which means that the cost incurred for search engine optimization by this method is very less.Though there are a few professional directories which may charge you a lot of money for directory submissions, the number of such directories are extremely small, and therefore is not a major problem when it comes to directory submissions. 
                               Another major advantage of directory submission services is that you receive an anchor text for your link, which means that you get to enter the title for your site which can contain the keywords that you intend, thus improving your search engine rankings by a great margin. By generating a SEO anchor text, directory submissions help in increasing the popularity of your web site in the search engine results, which helps a lot since people tend to visit your web site more if this method is used.
                             Another advantage of Directory submission packages is that targeted traffic is sent to your web site, which can be an extremely advantageous factor when it comes to improving the search engine rankings of your web site. When web directories are organized properly, it helps people to find the desired links under the required categories. A main advantage of this feature is that even if your web site is placed under the wrong category by you, there are high chances that it will be placed in the correct category by a human editor, since it is a human who manually reviews your link and its content, and after careful scrutiny, places it in the directory.
17.What is Social Bookmark Link Submission?
A:Social bookmark link submission is a relatively new trend that allows you to store your favorite links in an online bookmarking site that you can access anywhere.What started as a simple online way of storing favorites, soon became social with the addition of voting and commenting capabilities and it very quickly became apparent that social bookmarking was an excellent way to get back links for your content.
18.What is the use of Bookmark Link Submission?
A: A bookmark is nothing more than a link so every bookmark saved is a new back link for that content. IMAutomator can take your bookmark and post it on a whole host of social bookmarking sites thus creating a fresh back link for each site posted to.Also very useful about social bookmarks as back links is that on the vast majority of sites, you don't just post a URL, you also give it a title, a description and some keywords. These are stored with your link and the title is usually used as the anchor text for the back link. So if you have been doing your SEO properly and you embed your keywords into your title, each social bookmark becomes a keyword-anchored back link!

19.What is Blog Commenting?
A: Bloggers do blog commenting for different purposes like some do it to build back links, few do it to increase Alexa and few very do it to increase awareness about their blog.Blog Commenting in SEO helps to get visitors to your blog or website and most importantly to create a bonding with your fellow bloggers.Blog commenting has traditionally been one of the more popular link building strategies.

20.What is the use of Blog Commenting?
A: If Blog commenting is implemented properly Blog Commenting gives a boost to your SEO campaign and most importantly helps in creating a relationship with the author and grow your blogger network.Blog Commenting helps to get visitors to your blog or website.

21.What is Google Groups?
A: Google Groups is a service from Google that provides discussion groups for people sharing common interests. The Groups service also provides a gateway to news groups via a shared user interface.Google Groups provide a convenient way to create online groups and email distribution lists. 
                              Depending on the group settings, you can send a message to all members using a single email address, create a question and answer forum or post a message to the group via a web interface. Google Groups can be used as a Collaborative Inbox.

22.What is the use of Google Groups?
A: It is the way to keep people coming back and to keep engaging your audience to your blog or website.By adding a Google Groups Forum to your website or blog you get lot of traffic.
                                   The other huge benefit to this is your Google Groups Forum will be indexed by Google and give you even another way for people to find you on the Search Engines.

23.What is Classified Posting?
A: Classified posting is nothing but posting your advertisements on classified site.It is one of the ff page strategies.

24.What is the use of Classified Postings?
A: If you post the classifieds you can get the lot of leads related to your business. It is used for advertising your service or product. There are some sites that are used to advertise your product and brand in search engine


1.What is SEM?
A: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages through paid advertising .SEM includes the use of paid search, such as pay per click (PPC) listings and advertisements.
                             Through paid search advertising you essentially buy advertising space in the search engine results. So instead of trying to rank higher and get free traffic you pay to appear in front of the searches.
                              The most well-known advertising agency for paid search advertising (PSA) is Google Adwords. Through Google adwords you can get your ads appear in the Google search results and you pay only for the clicks on your ads. This is also the reason why the whole process is called Pay-per-click or PPC.Other search engines like Bing and Yahoo have a similar system but it not so successful.

2.What is the difference between SEO and SEM?
A: The difference between SEO and SEM is simply that Search Engine Optimization is part of Search Engine Marketing. Both processes aim in increasing visibility in search engines. SEO is about optimizing the web property to get better rankings in the search results while SEM goes beyond SEO. It involves other methods as well which can get you more search engine visitors like PPC advertising.

3.What is Click Through Rate?
A: All the three search engines have revealed that a major factor - the most important factor to Google in their respective Quality Score formulas is the historical click-through rate (CTR) of the keyword and matched ad. In fact, prior to its introduction of Quality Score in July 2005, Google determined ad rank by running the following formula against each ad and sorting them in descending order: bid * CTR.

4.What is Quality Score?
A: Quality Score is a variable used by Google, Yahoo and Bing that can influence both the rank and cost per click (CPC) of ads.
                           To determine the order in which ads are listed, each ad has the following formula run against it: bid * Quality Score. Ads are then listed in descending order based on the result of that equation. The exact weight of Quality Score versus bid has not been revealed by any of the major search engines, and each company has stated that they reserve the right to continually adjust their ranking methodologies.
5.What is the importance of Quality Score in SEM?
A: By maintaining a good Quality Scores, you’ll be setting yourself up for higher return on investment (ROI). That’s because higher Quality Scores correlate with lower cost per conversion!

6.What is AdRank?
A: A value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page) and whether your ads will show at all. The main components of your Ad Rank are your bids and the quality of your ads and website. Calculation of AdRank also incorporate the expected impact from your extensions and other ad formats when computing your Ad Rank. When estimating the expected impact of extensions and ad formats, they consider factors such as the relevance, click through rates, and the prominence of the extensions or formats on the search results page. So even if your competition has higher bids than yours, you can still win a higher position at a lower price by using highly relevant keywords, ads, and extensions.

7.What is the importance of Adrank?
A: AdRank plays a huge role in determining the actual cost-per-click that your competitors pay when someone clicks on their ads, as you can see by the following figure:

The CPC You Pay is Determined by the Ad Rank of the Person Below You Divided by Your Quality Score (Figure Courtesy of WordStream)

8.How to calculate Adrank Formula?
A: Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount, the components of Quality Score (expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.

9.What is Average Click Through Rate?
A: Average CTR (or average click-through rate) is the ratio of ad clicks to impressions in your AdWords campaigns. While basic CTR measures the rate of clicks on each ad, average CTR calculates the amount of clicks vs. impressions across your campaign, or for each individual keyword.
                                       A low ad CTR is problematic, as it can drag down your Quality Scores and affect future ad placement. Low CTRs signal a lack of relevance for your ad viewers, who aren’t inspired to click on your ad and visit your landing page to learn more about your offer or take the desired action. 
                                        On the other hand, a high average CTR – either across your campaign or for a specific keyword – doesn’t always mean success. It is one indicator that, when combined with other KPIs (key performance indicators) can point to the success of your campaign. However, high average CTRs with low conversions may actually mean that you’re wasting spend by attracting people less likely to convert. This may be caused by targeting that is too broad, irrelevant ad copy, or a combination of both. 
                                         Average CTRs can also affect future ad performance, as Google uses your historical data to calculate their Expected CTR, how likely they think it is your ads will get clicks when shown for specific keywords. Better keyword targeting and negative keyword discovery can help you improve your CTRs, thereby reducing wasted spend and improving your Quality Scores.

10.What is MCC Adwords?
A: An MCC, or “My Client Centre” is a type of AdWords account that allows you to access multiple AdWords accounts via a single account login. For anyone managing multiple accounts this is perfect, as it saves you from having to log in/out of different accounts all day, and instead just lists all of your managed accounts within a simple drop down menu.

11.What are the benefits of MCC Adwords?
A: Monitor We can easily monitor and manage all our AdWords accounts from a single dashboard.Hence we can save time.We can do cross-account campaign management and reporting, access control, and consolidated billing at the same time.
                             Also My Client Center acts as somewhat like a safeguard for the client. This is because you would still “own” and have exclusive access to your AdWords account data regardless of whether or not you move on to another campaign manager or agency. You can simply terminate the agency’s My Client Center access to your account at any time.

12.What is Adwords Express?
A: AdWords Express is a fully automated advertising solution specifically designed for local small businesses and first-time advertisers. With AdWords Express, several types of ads are created and constantly optimized for you. With Adwords Express, Ads are automatically shown on Google, Google Maps and relevant partner websites, on both desktop and mobile. You don’t need a website and don’t have to spend much time managing your ad campaigns.

13.What is Adwords Editor?
A:  AdWords Editor is a free, downloadable Google application for managing large AdWords accounts efficiently. Download your campaigns, make changes with powerful editing tools, then upload the changes to AdWords.
With Adwords Editor tool we can do the following :
  • Use bulk editing tools to quickly make multiple changes.
  • Export and import files to share proposals or make changes to an account.
  • View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns.
  • Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns.
  • Keep working even when you're offline.
14.What is Google Merchants Center?
A: Google Merchant Center is a tool that helps you upload your store and product data to Google and make it available to Google Shopping and other Google services.

15.What is Language Targeting in Adwords?
A: Language targeting allows you to choose the language of the sites that you'd like your ads to appear on. We'll show your ads to customers who use Google products (such as Search or Gmail) or visit sites on the Google Display Network (GDN) in that same language. However AdWords doesn't translate ads or keywords. 
                 Our ads can appear for customers who use Google products and third-party websites in the languages that our campaign targets. This ensure that our ads will appear on sites that are written in the language of the customers we want to reach.

16. What are Ad Extensions?
A: A feature that shows extra business information with your ad, like an address, phone number, store rating, or more webpage links. 
Ad extensions create more reasons to click your ad.Improved visibility: Ad extensions tend to improve your ad’s visibility. They often appear above the search results, rather than along the sidebar. If two competing ads have the same bid and quality, the ad with greater expected impact from extensions will generally appear in a higher ad position than the other.
Better return on investment: Extensions can help improve the clickthrough rate (CTR) of your ads. More clicks means more customer traffic. 
17. How many types of Ad Extensions are there? 
A: Ad Extensions are of 2 types.Some can be added manually and some are automated.

1.Manual Extensions :
a) App Extensions : Show a link below your ad text that sends people to the app store or begins downloading your app.
b) Call Extensions : Let people click a button to give you a phone call.
c) Location Extensions : Help people nearby find your nearest storefront or give you a call.
d) Review Extensions : Showcase positive, third-party reviews from reputable sources. 
e) Site Link Extensions : Add links to help people find what they’re looking for.
f) Call Out Extensions : Add descriptive text to your ad to help people learn more about what you have to offer.

2.Automated Extensions :
a) Consumer Ratings : Show off what customers appreciate with high-quality survey data.
b) Previous Visits : Show people if they've clicked through to your website from Google Search results before.
c) Social Extensions : Show how many Google+ followers you have.
d) Dynamic Structured Snippets : Dynamic structured snippets show additional landing page details automatically with your ad on Google Search.
e) Seller Ratings : Show your online business ratings with your ad.

18.How does Ad Extensions work?
A: AdWords shows one or more extensions with your ad when it calculates that the extension (or combination of extensions) will improve your campaign performance, and when your Ad Rank is high enough for it to appear. Adding an extension won’t guarantee that it will show with your ad, but you can keep track of when your extensions are appearing on the Ad extensions tab.
                       And when it comes to Automated Extensions, AdWords creates and displays the automated extensions formats (seller ratings, consumer ratings, social extensions, and previous visits) when it predicts that they’ll improve your ad’s performance. No setup is required, so the option to create automated extensions doesn't appear in the drop-down menu of the Ad extensions tab. 

19.Where extensions can be shown ?
A: Ad extensions appear with ads on the Search network, and depending on the extension might also appear with ads on the Display network. 

20.What is the Difference between Search Network and Display Network?
21.What is a Campaign?
A: A set of ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings. Campaigns are often used to organize categories of products or services that you offer.
  • Your AdWords account can have one or many ad campaigns running.
  • Each campaign consists of one or more ad groups.
  • Settings that you can set at the campaign level include budget, language, location, distribution for the Google Network, and more.
  • You can create separate ad campaigns to run ads in different locations or using different budgets.
22.What is Bid in Adwrds?
23.What is Budget in Adwords?
24.How to write text ads?
25.Describe Adwords account structure?

26.What is API in adwords?
A: Application Programming Interface. It is designed for developers representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties. This includes agencies, search engine marketers (SEMs), and other online marketing professionals who manage multiple client accounts or large campaigns. 
                                            API lets developers build applications that interact directly with the Google AdWords server. With these applications, advertisers and third parties can more efficiently and creatively manage their large or complex AdWords accounts and campaigns.

27.How you can use the API?
A: Implementing the AdWords needs programming skills. So, best results can be achieved by advertisers who employ software developers.The API is flexible and functional. You can use it to build an application that meets your needs. 

Using the API, you can:

  • Automatically generate keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports.
  • Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.
  • Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.
And you can even develop in the language of your choice. 

The AdWords API SOAP interface is supported by all popular programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl, and Ruby.

28.What are Negative Keywords? 
A: A type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. It tells Google not to show your ad to anyone who is searching for that phrase. 
                         For example, when you add "free" as a negative keyword to your campaign or ad group, you tell AdWords not to show your ad for any search containing the term "free." On the Display Network, your ad is less likely to appear on a site when your negative keywords match the site's content.
                         A similar term is negative match, one of the four keyword matching options that is used to describe negative keywords.
                         Add negative keywords on the Keywords tab by clicking "Negative keywords" below the main table.
                         Negative keywords are an important part of every campaign because they help make sure that your ads appear only to people looking for what you offer. This added level of control can help you increase your click through rate (CTR), reduce your average cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI.